Crio Winter of Doing (CWOD)— An Externship Experience.

Rahul Kumar
4 min readJan 22, 2021

CWOD or Crio Winter of Doing is India’s largest tech externship program for developers hosted by that started this year(2021) in the month of January and was actually open for anyone who would love to participate. The externship is divided into three stages and each stage is crucial in itself to advance to the next level varying in time and the amount of work you need to do.

Well, to be honest I never has an internship experience in my 4 years of B.Tech life as I was more into extra-curricular :) so I was really excited about this, as I got to know that this is almost similar to an Internship just the fact that you won’t be paid but you may stand a chance to get a job offer from the sponsored companies.

By the way let me tell you that there are top Indian startups(Cred, Slice, Groww, Jumbotail, vicara, recko and few more) that are ready with their projects to handover the finally selected candidates in the stage 3.

You can read more about it from here.

What was In it for me?

I got selected and I was informed about the same, checked in the activity board on 9th January. Surprisingly there were over 10k candidates and everyone was given few mini courses to learn and brush up the fundamentals and essentials of Web development. These mini-courses are called ‘Bytes’ in Crio’s terminology. :)

The bytes started from Learning the basics of Internet and Web to HTTP, REST, LINUX, GIT, and AWS.

Each byte had modules that had well articulated information that one had to literally go through one by one. Let me tell you a secret, you can’t skip these modules if you want to. Want to know why? because Crio instructors are more clever than you. They have put quizzes at the end of every modules :P . You have to go through the modules to pass in those tests.

What I liked the most?

The best part that I liked the most is the mixture of bytes and the little fun tasks that you get in the middle of learning. Initially, I used to learn all from video tutorials but this way of learning totally changed my perspective, reading and finding answers to bugs and problems on my own helped me to inculcate patience and made me more resilient, on the other hand video tutorials spoon feeded me every single thing. :\

I have embraced this way of learning and I am honestly enjoying it. :) As Crio’s hashtag says #leanbyDoing .

Have a look at my dashboard after the end of STAGE 1.

After Stage 1, one thing that I am feeling proud about?

**My Portfolio**

Yes, you heard it right, I had been planning since my 3rd year of college to make an online portfolio for myself but I was so lazy.

In the stage 1, we got the bonus bytes of HTML, CSS, JS and Qprofile. So this Qprofile was the one that helped me to finally take a step towards making my portfolio, so finally, I have my own portfolio to show people, hopefully I’ll put in more good projects in the near future.

Have a look : Portfolio

So, basically I loved the Qprofile section because it gave me the good understanding of how frontend and backend talks to each other and how we can deploy them separately.

Besides this, I learned a lot from the Linux and Git Byte, it literally made me confident now.

Few new things that I learnt in stage 1:

  • Curl (I only knew about postman and never heard about curl, so this was really something I came in something fresh.)
  • Linux Commands and basic conceptual details(which are basically skipped or missed out when you learn on your own)
  • Git and the SSH(the authentication and the staging)
  • Deploying frontend and backend separately.

Doubt Support?

The community of CWOD on slack is so healthy and enriching, my goodness everyone is always ready to help each other. I always got help from peers whenever I posted any query on the other hand I also helped several people out there.

Besides this, there was several sessions conducted with the CEOs and Experienced Developers already working at big tech startups. These talk sessions are called Big Variables.

Finally, yeah it was an amazing experience for me, I totally loved it. Hoping to make it to the final stage. CHEERS! and thank you for reading.

#ShareYourLearning #Crio #CWoD #LearnByDoing

